Design Data Form
For "City Slickers" (Water from water company):
Design Pressure _________ PSI
Supply Pipe Size _________
Water Meter Size _________
Maximum Available Safe GPM __________ GPM
Initial Safe Design Flow __________ GPM (use pencil, may need to change)
For "Country Bumpkins" (Water pumped from well, pond, river, etc.):
Dry Method:
(A) Pump Horsepower ________ H.P.
(B) Dynamic Water Depth ________ ft.
(C) Elevation Difference ________ ft.
(D) Elevation Head _________ ft. (formula: B + C = D )
(E) Design Pressure ________ PSI.
(F) Design Head ________ ft. hd. (formula: E * 2.31 = F )
(G) Total Pressure Head ________ ft. hd. (formula: D + F = G )
(H) Initial Design Flow ________ GPM (formula: A * 2178 / G = H )
Wet Method:
(I) Design Pressure ________ PSI.
(J) Initial Design Flow ________ GPM
Country Bumpkins: Don't forget that "Valve Zone GPM should be between 80% and 100% of Design Flow".
For "Backwoods Water" (Gravity flow systems from streams, tanks, etc.):
Maximum GPM _________ PSI
Tank Inflow GPM ________ GPM (only for those with tanks)
Initial Design Pressure _________ PSI
For Everyone:
Pressure Loss Table:
_________ PSI - Water Meter
_________ PSI - Backflow Preventer
_________ PSI - Filter (Optional, but recommended)
_________ PSI - House Mainline 1 (from water source to water meter)
_________ PSI - House Mainline 2 (from water meter to irrigation connection)
_________ PSI - Irrigation Mainline (from irrigation connection to valves)
_________ PSI - Valves
_________ PSI - Elevation Change
_________ PSI - Sprinkler Heads
_________ PSI - Laterals (maximum 20% of sprinkler head value above)
Note that not all of the items in the list above may be applicable to your system.